Jumat, 25 Februari 2011


; a free translation and appreciation for Dimas Arika Mihardja 

self-purifying! That’s what you teach me for five times I rub the dust
that sticks at all over the body. Water gurgling, bailer responding
gently draining glitter and gurgling His affection

kind of early the drizzle come
I wipe out pieces of dust in the heart
in cautious I touch this heart
to be alert and awaked
clean and crystal clear

and the drizzle drop
clinking on the house of prayers roof
seep and then sneak to skin pores
wash up walls of the heartT
that shivering

by Dimas Arika Mihardja on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 6:17am

bersuci! begitulah sehari lima kali engkau ajari aku mengusap debu
yang lengket di seluruh tubuh. gericik air,gayung bersambut
dengan lembut mengucurkan kilau dan gericik kasih-Nya

sepagi ini gerimis jatuh
kuusap serpihan debu di hati
hatihati, kusayangi hati ini
untuk siaga dan terjaga
bersih dan bening

gerimis pun jatuh
berdenting di atap rumah ibadah
meresap lalu menyusup ke pori
membasuh dindingdinding hati
yang merinding

16 februari 2011
Translate by Nugroho Suksmanto

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